The creator depicted the prosperous region of Jordan, Yau Ma Tei, and West Kowloon. She discovered traditional cultural shops in this area. She lamented that the traditional handicraft culture was buried in the bustling city, but no one appreciated it. Thus, she expressed regret through her artwork and poetry. Simultaneously, she used a metaphor to describe her experience, expressing her grief that no one understands. The creator hopes the audience will realize "community observation" in the process of appreciating her work, and discovering the rare, unique, and precious culture of the region.
作品繪畫創作者遊歷佐敦、油麻地及西九一的繁華城市景象。在遊覽期間,創作者發現一些傳統文化店鋪,感慨傳统式微的手工藝文化或本土情懷文化, 一直埋藏在繁華城市中, 卻無人欣賞,表達惋惜之情。同時,借此比照創作者遭遇,表達無人了解的愁緒。希望觀賞者在欣賞作品過程中實現「社區觀察」,發掘這一區的稀有、獨特、別具意義的文化情懷。