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Mixed with packaging materials
15 pieces, 18 x 15cm

This artwork is presented as a series of online package product in total 15 pieces. Each pieces contain one online shopping package materials. On the other words, this artwork total included 15 pieces with 15 sort of materials. All pieces are available for viewers to pick up and read in detail.


Words from the creator

Art, environmental protection, and education are the core concepts of the artwork. I hope to convey the recycling knowledge of online shopping packaging to the viewers in the form of art, to achieve the meaning of raising environmental protection awareness with an educational purpose. Viewers are welcome to interact with the artworks by picking up and reading the knowledge, just like a teaching aid, can obtain recycling green pieces of knowledge.



未命名的作品 3.jpeg

About Hotdeals Express:

未命名的作品 8.png

After this creation. I created this virtual express company for artworks called Hotdeals Express. There is a chance to use it again in future works. This creation comes from the DHL express company, and my work is a secondary creation. The promotional video is also remodeled with DHL advertisements. Hotdeals Express aims to meet eco-friendly shipments. More interpretation of the title is below.

經過這次創作,我創作了Hotdeals Express的虛擬快遞公司。在日後的作品有機會再次使用。 Hotdeals Express 的創作源自DHL 快遞公司,屬於二次創作作品。作品宣傳短片亦以DHL廣告作二次改造。Hotdeals 快遞旨在以環保友善的方式運輸。下文為該名字的更多解釋。

The relationship between ARTwork TITLE & the environmental protection issues of online shopping

螢幕截圖 2022-08-22 下午11.34.53.png
Hot 1

Packaging waste pollutants formed by online shopping cause global warming. 



Hot 2

Online shopping is a popular shopping trend nowadays. Global warming is also a hot environmental issue over the world.


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